poetry, Writing

With Love!

Two years have passed since the day when she was born and yet the pride keeps on growing ever more!! Alhumdulillah😍😊 #daughtersareblessings and so cherish them! On her 2nd birthday, keeping up with my habit of penning my thoughts for my daughter, a poem from my heart to hers! May she find this posted when… Continue reading With Love!

poetry, Writing

A Woman!

Who am I? A delicate flower you say. I need protection. To only be kept away? You set so many rules. So that I am safe! Yet when I try to fly. You tempt me with your golden cage! When I decide to cover myself, You say I am oppressed? And when I don't. I… Continue reading A Woman!


Of Happy new years!!

Fresh starts on a new year day, making new resolutions? I don't believe in them. They're overrated. We don't require specific days to change ourselves, do we? Change is a constant gradual process. Every single day our perceptions, thoughts and views about everything we know undergo it. We meet new faces, we face new challenges… Continue reading Of Happy new years!!


From a mother of a rebellious toddler!

My princess is 15 months already! Alhumdulillah 😌(didn’t even know where days flew by🙄😃) She stared off being a curious little explorer and now is slowly turning into a rebel.😑 Giving me sly looks from the corner of her eyes! Raising her eyes at me(yes she does that🙄look) Doing what I say not to! Touching… Continue reading From a mother of a rebellious toddler!